The Washington SBDC Advisory Council brings diverse experiences and expertise to our vision, strategic initiatives, and program development. The Advisory Council is comprised of small business owners and representatives from funding sources, host and partner organizations, and economic development agencies.

Suzanne Dale Estey
Executive Director
Washington Economic Development Association

Patti Kibbe
President & CEO
Evergreen Business Capital

Cindy Brooks
Director Jefferson County

Breanne Durham
Washington Main Street Director
Washington Trust for Historic Preservation

Chris Green
Assistant Director, Office of Economic Development and Competitiveness
Washington Department of Commerce

Rafael Colón
Business Outreach Manager
Employment Security Department

Miles Thomas
Director of Economic Development & Government Affairs
Port of Benton

Lisa Smith
Executive Director
Washington State Microenterprise Association

Rianne Perry
International Marketing Manager
Washington State Department of Agriculture

Linda Womack
Managing Director, Office of Economic Development and Competitiveness
Washington Department of Commerce

Stacey Jehlik
International Affairs Director
Office of Intergovernmental Relations,
City of Seattle

Wesley Nguyen
Economic Development Coordinator
City of Lacey